As the operator of a hotel, you want to make sure that your guests have a pleasant stay so that they will stay with you again. As the owner of a travel agency, you want your customers to experience an unforgettable holiday and also book their next trip with you again.
As the owner of a company, you simply don’t have the time to worry about all the fields in the hotel and travel industry. This also includes the legal issues. You are confronted, e.g. with setting up an employment contract, checking a supply agreement, customer complaints, travel shortcomings or defaulting debtors. These issues are time-consuming and prone to error when your talents are actually in completely different areas.
As a young law firm, we have already made a name for ourselves in the fields of law concerning the hotel and travel industry. This includes for instance, labour law, contract law, travel law and, of course, modern receivables management.
We currently represent the interests of international and national companies in the hotel and the travel industry with passion. Together with you, we advise, review and develop holistic solutions for your legal concerns – individually, performance-based and cost-optimised.
Benefit from our passion and our expertise.
Let us deal with your legal matters – professionally and efficiently.
We specialise in the following legal fields:
Travel law and air passengers’ rights
Commercial and company law
Long-term collaboration / cooperations
Are you interested in a long-term collaboration? We will be pleased to provide you with an individual offer for continuous consultancy services at a fixed monthly price.
Direct telephonic consultation
Do you only need direct telephonic consultation? Use our Call-In Service for only € 29.00 per month (excl. VAT).
your direct line to an attorney (Mo – Su, 8:00 – 22:00).
First telephonic consultation is free of charge: 0221 - 589 23 880
Schedule an appointment with us for a consultation.
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